Monday, 20 October 2014

Graffiti Mind Maps

This is my mind-map for Graffiti that I have wrote for myself to take ideas from when I am out taking photos for Graffiti and I have wrote down what I have taken into consideration whilst taking the photos and what location I will be going to.

Nature Mind Maps

Here is a mind map that I have drew out for my nature part of my photography portfolio and I have written up where I would like to take my photographs and what I will be taking into account when I am taking photographs.

Saturday, 11 October 2014

Architecture Mind Map

Here is my mind map for my architecture portfolio for photography and what I have done here is wrote down some ideas for what I am going to take photographs of and also where I will be going to take photographs. I have also wrote down some techniques that I will consider such as the Rule of Thirds and I have also wrote down where the photos will be edited in which is photoshop.

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Unit 57 Photography Proposal Nature

Hello Fellow Internet users this is my proposal for my Nature Portfolio for my photography unit.

Working Title

The working title for my Nature Portfolio will be Joe Dootsons Nature Portfolio because its simple and the title shows the audience whos the portfolio is by and it also shows what the portfolio is about.


The Photographic applications and Equipment that will be used is a Canon D600 camera because it is a very good camera and I would like to get as much HD photos as I possibly can. I will also be using Photoshop to sharp up any of my photos using photshop and adding the Rule of three onto the photos should they need it adding onto the photos.


The deadline for me to have everything completed is the 13th November because we are having a evening where we want to show all of put photography portfolio to all of our parents so this is why the 13th November was the date set for when all the photography work is due in.

Intended Audience

The intended audience of my Nature portfolio is everyone from ages 18 or above because I would like to make students take some inspiration from my work if they are looking at doing Graffiti for there photography unit and also any other ages above 18 because older people or parents might find the photographs interesting to look at.


The concept and the style of my nature portfolio will have lighting and I will try to take the photographs when the suns out to some lighting to the photographs the objects that I will be taking photographs are leafs and flowers and most of the photographs will be close ups to show all the differnet patterns that are in the different plants.


The location that I will be going to take all my photos for nature will be hyde park that is right next to my college and I will be going to there because I have already been and seen most of the plants that are in there to take some pictures off and I have already planned what I will be taking photographs of.


The number of photos that I will be taking will be around 6 for each of them so I have a choice of which ones are the best to use for my final piece cause there will be 3 on each of the big sheets the more of them the better.

Usage Rights

The photographs will be used in our college and they will put up on a big display board in the class room for everyone to see for when they walk in to show off how good the college is. They will also be used to show our parents what we have done on the exhibition night where all of our work will be showed to our parents.


There will be no Fees or costs for us during this project as we will be borrowing the cameras for college to take our photographs with. But What I will be charging for my photographs is 5 pounds per photographs but for the whole board will be 20 pounds for the board which works out 6 pound oer photo on the board and 2 pound for the board

Unit 57 Photography Proposal Graffiti

Hi Fellow bloggers this is my second proposal for my photography work on Graffiti

Working Title

The working title for my graffiti project is Joe Dootsons Graffiti work because it is a simple title that tells the audience what the work is about and this is what the title is for to tell the audience what the work is.


The Photographic applications and Equipment that will be used is a Canon D600 camera because it is a very good camera and I would like to get as much HD photos as I possibly can. I will also be using Photoshop to sharp up any of my photos using photshop and adding the Rule of three onto the photos should they need it adding onto the photos.


The deadline for me to have everything completed is the 13th November because we are having a evening where we want to show all of put photography portfolio to all of our parents so this is why the 13th November was the date set for when all the photography work is due in.

Intended Audience

The intended audience of my Graffiti portfolio is everyone from ages 18 or above because I would like to make students take some inspiration from my work if they are looking at doing Graffiti for there photography unit and also any other ages above 18 because older people or parents might find the photographs interesting to look at.


The content and style of my graffiti portfolio such as the visuals, lighting and objects will be lots of different graffiti art work that I find interesting such as the patterns that there are and the different words that are done in Manchester there will be some lighting in the work but some of the interesting graffiti work is under bridges near the skatepark in Manchester and I will also going to the Northern Quarters looking at different graffiti to take pictures.


The location where I will be taking all my photos is in the Northern Quarter because this is where a lot of the very interesting graffiti art work is and I will also be going to the Skate Park where there is a lot of interesting graffiti art work and there is a subway next to the skatepark and also where there is some good graffiti work there as well.


The number of photos that I will be taking will be around 6 for each of them so I have a choice of which ones are the best to use for my final piece cause there will be 3 on each of the big sheets the more of them the better.

Usage Rights

The photographs will be used in our college and they will put up on a big display board in the class room for everyone to see for when they walk in to show off how good the college is. They will also be used to show our parents what we have done on the exhibition night where all of our work will be showed to our parents.


There will be no Fees or costs for us during this project as we will be borrowing the cameras for college to take our photographs with. But What I will be charging for my photographs is 5 pounds per photographs but for the whole board will be 20 pounds for the board which works out 6 pound oer photo on the board and 2 pound for the board

Monday, 6 October 2014

Unit 57 Photography Proposal Architecture

This is my Proposal for my Architecture Photography Portfolio

Working Title

The working title that I will be using for my Architecture Photography will be Joe's Architecture photography because its a simple working title just telling the audience who the photographs will be took by and what the photos will be of such as buildings.


The Photographic applications and Equipment that will be used is a Canon D600 camera because it is a very good camera and I would like to get as much HD photos as I possibly can. I will also be using Photoshop to sharp up any of my photos using photshop and adding the Rule of three onto the photos should they need it adding onto the photos.


The deadline for me to have everything completed is the 13th November because we are having a evening where we want to show all of put photography portfolio to all of our parents so this is why the 13th November was the date set for when all the photography work is due in.

Intended Audience

The intended audience of my Architecture portfolio is everyone from ages 18 or above because I would like to make students take some inspiration from my work if they are looking at doing Architecture for there photography unit and also any other ages above 18 because older people or parents might find the photographs interesting to look at.


The Content and the style such as visuals, lighting, objects and people the visuals will be buildings with lots of different patterns such as the hilton this interesting looking buildings the people and the visuals will be the buildings and some of my shots might have people in there and some will be close ups of the buildings so there won't be any people in there.


The Location that will be used to do all my photography will be Manchester Town Centre such as outside the buildings like the Hilton Hotel, The Triangle Town Centre and the Manchester Arndale   and across roads where I will have to be careful with the equipment. There will be lighting for the photos because it will all be taken in the day time none at the nightime so there will be some lighting in there.


The number of photos that I will be taking will be around 6 for each of them so I have a choice of which ones are the best to use for my final piece cause there will be 3 on each of the big sheets the more of them the better.

Usage Rights

The photographs will be used in our college and they will put up on a big display board in the class room for everyone to see for when they walk in to show off how good the college is. They will also be used to show our parents what we have done on the exhibition night where all of our work will be showed to our parents.


There will be no Fees or costs for us during this project as we will be borrowing the cameras for college to take our photographs with. But What I will be charging for my photographs is 5 pounds per photographs but for the whole board will be 20 pounds for the board which works out 6 pound oer photo on the board and 2 pound for the board